Digital Daily – Tip #10 – Linkedin Headers

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office noteLinkedin is consistently growing and a must have for all career driven professionals.  As the site has grown, the ability to customize has also expanded.  If you haven’t noticed, go into your own profile and you will see a spot at the top to add a top header photo.  You may not think of Linkedin as a place to be “artistic” or colorful even.  This is your time to set your profile apart from the many others on the site.

Linkedin gives you some possible headers to choose from or to upload your own.  When you’re designing the header banner, make sure it is a jpeg, png, or gif that is less than 4 MB in size.  The dimensions are 1400 X 425.  One important part is the top part of your profile with your profile image is sitting over this header.  When you’re designing the header, leave space in the middle-bottom part as it will be covered by the profile.

This is the time for you to have a strong personal brand.  This represents you.  It can give you the exposure to help make a great first impression.


Daily Digital – Tip #9 – Linkedin

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office noteWhether you are employed by an organization or you are an entrepreneur, you should be on Linkedin.  It is the social media network for professionals who are looking to network, connect with their peers, co-workers, or other business partners.

A big tip I have for Linkedin, may seem obvious, but it’s something many people miss.  When you go on your profile, there may be a lot of fields to fill out, but take the time to fill them out.  ALL of them.  Just to help, Linkedin includes a progress circle letting you know if you have completely filled out your profile.  If it’s not full, it will show you what is missing.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to rush through and simply copy/paste your resume into a Linkedin profile.  You need to show that you are a serious professional and your presence on Linkedin, can be seen by numerous professionals in your industry.  Now is your time to shine.

Watch for my next tip on Linkedin – What you absolutely MUST include in your Linkedin Profile.

Digital Daily – Tip #8 – Facebook Pages

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office noteSocial media is certainly where the people are.  If you want to put your business in front of those people, Facebook is a great place to start.  It’s very important though to have a plan for Facebook.  A lot of people will just put up a page and think that’s all they need to do.  Social media happens to be quite similar to a very needy child.  It needs a lot of love and attention just about everyday.

One big point I would make is something a lot of people miss or think they should hurry past it.  Don’t make this mistake!

If you’re building a Facebook page for your business, this is often one of the first places people will start exploring about your business.  Believe it or not, your visitors want to know about your business.  So they will go to that “About” section.  For many, the “about section” will show on the main Facebook page.  If it’s not populated, it tends to take away from the presence of your business.  It looks like you didn’t take the time to fill in those details, if you won’t take the time for your business, who will?

So here’s what you do, fill out as many of the fields as you possibly can when you first open your page.  Know that it will take time to do so, but you know what is needed.

*Bonus Tip* Try to update your “about” section as much as you can when and if needed.  It will be noticed!

Digital Daily Tip # 7 – Facebook Video

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office noteAs you have probably heard, video is quickly becoming a large part of digital marketing and the overall online experience.  Facebook also gives us the ability to display our videos.  However, if you want real results with those videos you really need to adhere to a few easy rules.

1.  Don’t use Youtube links – As much as you think it will help increase your Youtube video views, it just doesn’t translate well on Facebook for some reason, and most times people will just skip by watching the youtube video on Facebook.

2.  Originality – Do upload your original video file to Facebook

3.  Keep it Short! – Facebook like much social media is seeing a major trend in greater popularity in bite size information.  Cut your videos down to 1 – 2 minutes max for Facebook.

Bonus Tip:  Think it’s too hard to condense your content down to 1 – 2 minutes, why don’t you create a “teaser video” that you can use to demonstrate 1 – 2 of your main thoughts and then tell people if they would like more they can see the full video out a particular link.  Or they could see the video by signing up for great free content.


Digital Daily – Tip #6 – Google Analytics 101

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office noteIf you have a website or ecommerce store, you absolutely need Google Analytics tracking on that website.  Once you have that all setup, you will be able to go to to be able to see the traffic to your site.  Once you’re in there, you will notice there are many sections and you will be able to see your site’s traffic over specific time periods starting from the date you put the code on your website for Google Analytics.


It is really helpful to understand some key terms.  You will find them under “Acquisition” on the left hand side.  Look at the terms below to find out what they mean and what that information can do for you.



1.  Referral – This is traffic from other websites which link in to yours.  If you have a Facebook page or a Twitter profile, put your link on those pages.  People who visit you on social media will be able to find your site nice and easily.  When they do, those counts will appear in the “Referral” traffic section of GA.



2.  Direct – This is traffic coming from visitors who actually know your website address or happen to see it in an ad somewhere.  The difference here is, they don’t click a link, instead they open a new browser window and type in the website address.  This traffic will tell you who either has your website memorized or bookmarked.



3.  Search – This is a HUGE one!  It will tell you which traffic is coming in to your website through the major search engines including Google, Yahoo, and Bing.  This is very important because most people go to the search engines to find goods, services, and information.  As long as you are optimizing your website properly, you will show up in the search results for the keywords which pertain to your business.


Not sure where to start with your website when it comes to being found on the search engines?

Let us know we can make a big difference for your business.

Digital Daily – Tip #5 – Web Traffic Tracking

If you are promoting certain pages on your website, most likely, that web address is linked to from multiple places.  So how can you tell if the traffic to that page comes from your email marketing, your paid search ads, social media, or some other form of advertising?

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office note

I have an amazing FREE Happy Labor Day Tip for you all:


You need to use the Google URL Tracker.

Scroll down to the “URL Builder Form.”

You will need:


1.  The website URL (use the specific landing page URL)

2.  The campaign source (email marketing, Facebook, Twitter, newsletter ad, etc)

3.  Campaign Medium (email, social media, banner)

4.  Campaign Name (name of product, product code, promo code, slogan, etc)


Click “Generate URL” and you will have the URL to use for your digital marketing initiatives!


If you have questions, contact us:

Digital Daily Tip #4 – Email Marketing

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office noteTop KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) to Know if Your Email Marketing is Working





Open Rate


Formula: The number of Opens / Number of Subscribers Email is Sent to


Click through Rate


Formula: The number of clicks / Number of Opens


Number of Opens


No formula for this one, it should be available in your email vendor.




You will need an extra step or two for this one.

First, know your goal.  If it’s to have someone sign up via a form or it’s to have someone purchase a product, these are your conversion goals.

Your email vendor will offer you a piece of code to place on your website so they’re able to connect conversions on your website to the email you sent out.  (Please note:  You may need a web/IT specialist for this one) Very important metric.


Unsubscribe Percentages


Whenever you send an email, especially as your list size increases there will be people who decide they don’t want your email in their inbox.  Don’t take it personally, it may just not be the right time for that person.  However, you should take notice of the unsubscribe numbers after each email send.  If that number appears to stay steady or decreases, you’re fine, if it’s increasing, you better take a look at your content.

Digital Daily – Tip #3 – Email Marketing

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office noteOne of the best ways, yes, this still applies to 2015, to communicate with customers is through email.  People subscribe to your list because they’re interested in the information, service, or product you have to offer.  They subscribe because they want to hear from you.


The subject line can be one of the top most important components of email marketing.  It is the doorway to having your email opened.  Here are a list of words to AVOID in your subject lines so they don’t get marked as SPAM.




% Off






Internet slang – bae, fleek, ftw



Exclamation points (symbols)


Want to know how to combat these words, and what to use in their place?  Watch for the next Email Marketing tip.



Daily Digital – Tip #2 – SEO

Did you know images are a very large part of Google’s search results?  If you have a website, you know images are an important component of that site.  People love visuals.  Images can be really helpful in giving your website even more exposure on search engines.  Whether you sell products, offer a service, write informative articles in a blog, etc, you can use this tip.


When you add an image to a site in a WordPress blog you will see a spot called “Alternative Text.”  Google can’t read images, the Alt tag was created so Google bots could read the text behind the image to know what it is.  Fill in the space next to the alternative text feed.


Don’t have an “Alternative Text” field when adding an image on your site?  We have a way to workaround that.  It’s a little tougher since it’s code but here you go:


Find this in the html code:


<img src=”URL OF IMAGE” alt=””>


There it is, the “alt” is your alternative text.  Put in KEYWORDS which fit the image and also help your business.

Digital Daily – Tip #1 – SEO

SEO – AKA Search Engine Optimization


DefinitionTechniques and strategies to use in optimizing your website for better search results on major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing for the keywords associated with your business.


Digital Daily Tip of the Day – If you choose to add a blog to your website or any other type of addition which you want to be associated with your main business, be sure to put it as a “subdirectory” instead of a “subdomain.”  The search engines see subdomains as completely separate websites and you will lose all and any search equity built up by your brand for the new subdomain.


#DigitalDaily #DigitalTips #DigitalMarketing #SEO


Find out what the difference between a subdirectory and a subdomain is.