3 Online Marketing Tips Every Chiropractor Must Know!

3 Online Marketing Tips Every Chiropractor Must Know!

Chiropractor Online Marketing Tips

Chiropractor online marketing tips

Did you know there are an average of 3 million searches per month for chiropractors on search engines?  People are looking for your services and if you are not online in the right way, you are missing out on helping the many seeking your expertise.

We understand you have a lot to think about with your chiropractic practice and taking care of your patients.  You have undoubtedly heard about the fact that people are searching online for services just like yours.  If you are not coming up in the searches, your competitors are being found instead.  That’s not fair!  There are some ways you can help level that playing field.  After all, you’ve worked very hard to reach the level you’re at and people need you.  We’re going to give you some important tips to help you with your online marketing.

  • Take appointments online – Many times people are searching for you when they have a quiet moment.  This is usually at a later time of the day.  Think of how great it would be to capture those searchers giving them the opportunity to setup an appointment all from your website.
  • Choose the right social media – You’ve heard that social media is the place to be.  A lot of times business owners make the mistake of trying to create a profile on all of them.  The better tip is to choose the right combination of social media profiles that can truly help your business.  As a chiropractor, the best option would be Facebook as it has the most members with over 750 million.
  • Go Local – As a local business you will want people in your particular zip code radius to find your practice when they search.  Luckily, Google has their own local listing  called Google Places.  It’s free to open, grab yours now!
  • Do you want to reach all the thousands of locals looking for a chiropractor?  You should read our FREE step by step guide to creating an effective Google local listing that will bring people knocking on your door.  All you need to do is email us at design@feelingthevibe.com

    Social Media Classes Held at Somers Library a Huge Success!

    We recently conduced social media classes at the Somers Library in Somers, New York.  Two classes were held in May of 2014, “How to Use Facebook for Business” and “How to Effectively use Twitter for Business.”  The classes were a huge success.  Please see below for some comments from the organization and a student.

    Kristen & Diana recently facilitated a social media workshop for small business owners. The content was rich and they were both incredibly engaging. The room was completely filled, and many attendees stayed after the presentation to have some one-on-one time with them — even after a long Q&A session. Best part? Everyone left with strategies they could actually use. We would definitely have them back again!”  ~Valerie Herman, Somers Library

    “Your class was very informative for us over a certain age.  I set up my husband’s business Facebook page.  He was very impressed since I am sooo not techy.”  – Theresa, Somers Library Student

    Do Videos Slow Down My Website?

    A lot of you ask, “Will adding a video to my website slow it down?”
    Load time for a website is an important component and quality for a successful one.  Large images hosted on your server which are placed on your website can drag down load times for a webpage.  The same holds true with video.  However, there is an easy fix.
    In order to avoid lag times in load speeds, utilize a third party site to host your videos.  This way your webhost space won’t be taken up by large video files.  Go to a site like Youtube.com.  They have robust platform in which to upload videos.  Learn how to upload a Youtube video here.  Once your video is on youtube, grab the embed code and place that snippet of code on your site (in the HTML of a blog post, or on the sidebar).  The video will then appear on your webpage but it will be hosted by Youtube.

    Bonus: By opening a Youtube channel it will improve your SEO.

    What is Keyword Stemming?

    A lot of interest has surrounded the important keyword techniques.  Keyword stemming is one which has come up often in SEO conversations.

    What is Keyword Stemming?

    It is actually simple.  Keyword stemming is taking a keyword in its purest form and adding suffixes and/or prefixes to the word.  This way you can account for all forms of a word someone may use to find your website.

    Example: party, partier, parties, partied, pre-party, post-party, partying

    How to Upload a Video to Youtube

    Step by Step on “How To Upload a Video to Youtube”

    1. Open an account on Youtube.  If you have a Gmail account, you can use this to login.
    2. Click “Upload Video”
    3. Find the video on your computer you want to upload and select it.
    4. Add in a title and description of the video.
    5. If you want the video to only be found via a direct link and to not be available to the public, choose “unlisted” in the drop down box that by default displays “public.”
    Youtube will let you know when your video is ready.
    6. Click the Youtube video link that displays.
    7. Click “Share” underneath the video and then choose “Embed.”
    8. Copy the snippet of code in the embed box.  Paste it into your website.

    Now your video will show on your own website!

    How To Respond to Bad Online Reviews About Your Business

    In today’s day of online reviews, just about every business establishment has the chance to be reviewed online.  Hopefully customers had a positive experience with your company and they will People hate us on yelp, bad reviews online, how to take off bad reviews onlinewrite about that in the reviews.  However, there is the occasional customers or client who has a negative experience with a company and often takes to the “airwaves” in the form of writing a negative review for all other prospective clients to see.  You may think this is awful and you don’t want anything to do with the internet.  Honestly, the negative review isn’t the problem.  They happen.  We are all human and errors are made.  The problem would actually be if you allow those negative reviews to stay unanswered.  On review sites, just as customers/clients can write a review, a company can respond to those reviews.  A company representative can simply go on the website, and respond reassuring the disgruntled customer that they want to make situation right.  By having that response public, others will see how much good service, good products, etc, mean to your company.  They will also know your company is listening to their customers and they will be more amenable to buying from you in the future.  Leave the negative reviews piling up and it looks like you’re hiding from them.

    Let us take care of your online reputation by scouring the internet to find any and all reviews written about your company.  We will help manage your online reputation so potential customers and clients will have a positive picture of you from your online reviews.

    Tell Search Engines About Your Website Quickly with “Pinging!”

    PingomaticPinging a Blog by Feed

    Quick tip: If you have a blog and you want your feed to be quickly crawled by search engine spiders upon adding a new post check out this site.  www.pingomatic.com

    No signing up and no fees.  just go on the site, type in your website address, website title, and feed URL.  Click “Select All.” Then click “send ping.”  That’s it, you’re done!

    The Best Way to Eat an Elephant..

    ..is one bite at a time.

    As a business owner it is very typical to have overwhelming tasks.  Sometimes you look at a project and just want to run and hide.  We have a better method.  Why not break down the big project into smaller tasks on a timeline, and then you can have everything done in a more structured manner. 

    Example:  Task is to find business customers for your business service.

    1.  Figure out which businesses would do best with your service.

    2.  Look through local directories for businesses within a certain radius, make a list of 50.

    3.  Setup an email or flyer for those businesses about your service.

    4.  Send out your email or flyer to those 50 businesses.

    Take it one step at a time.  You’ll be glad you did.

    Why Facebook for Business?

    Top 5 Reasons to Have a Facebook Fan Page

    1.  Local or National, you can find your specific target market on facebook.

    2.  You have a platform to directly communicate with potential and current customers.

    3.  Facebook is highly indexed on Google (this means your business will come up higher on search engines)

    4.  The power of going “viral” means that if you have customers “fans” (as they call it on Facebook) who like what you offer, they can easily let their friends know on Facebook.

    5.  You have access to 500,000,000 people!