Google AdWords – Important Tip for #BlackFriday and #CyberMonday + Podcast

Google AdWords just rolled out yet another feature, and right in time for the two  busiest days of the holiday season for businesses.  The holiday season is just about here, find out what you NEED in your ads to stand out this holiday season.  Since they’re so new, most likely, your competitors won’t know about them just yet.  Jump on board quick.  Check out the podcast below:


Instructions for adding structured snippets: Continue reading

Daily Digital Marketing Tip #20 – Increase Your Email Capture Rates

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office noteWe all know as marketers, we want to communicate with our customers to know what they want.  The more we are in communication with them presenting them with valuable material, the stronger your community will be of dedicated customers.  Did you know there are some easy steps you can take to help increase the rate at which people sign up for your mailing list?


1.  Top Level Form


Sites which include an email form in the first three fields to fill out on a checkout saw an increase of 14.6% in email capture rates.


2.  One is Better than Two


WebsItes which use one checkout page capture email addresses at a rate of 16.7% higher than those with two or more pages for checkout.


3.  Signup Forms


Signup forms with fewer fields to fill out capture emails much better than those with more.  While it’s helpful to have more information on each subscriber, that first interaction they have with you to join your list should be a very easy one.  One study saw an increase in email capture of 28% when they decreased the form fields from five to four.


4.  No Phone Numbers


Required fields can be helpful but think twice about making the phone number required.  One company saw a 275% increase in email capture when they didn’t have the phone number field required.  If that field is not mandatory for your business, try making it an optional field to see if it can work for you.


Daily Digital Marketing – Tip #17 – Periscope Just Made it Much Easier for You to Watch

periscope-logoPeriscope is one popular app and as recently mentioned has hit 15 million viewers!  It is taking digital video to a brand new level.  If you are already using Periscope or thinking of trying it out, make sure to get my free starter guide for Periscope


As this new app continues to build popularity more and more updates will be come available.  A new one which hit iOS users first was the ability to watch in landscape view with the comments Continue reading

Digital Daily – Tip #16 – The Instagram Milestone Bombshell and How You Can Cash In

instagramInstagram is the social app your kids, their friends, and even adults just love.  That user base and community is growing at lightning speed, just recently hitting 400 million users.  400 million people in just 5 short years with 80 million pictures shared EACH DAY!  Here’s a little known fact though, 75% of the Instagram user base is from outside of the US.



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Digital Daily – Tip #15 – Periscope Update for iOS!

periscope-logoIf you are using Periscope (you should be!), they have brought out a BRAND NEW update for iPhone/iPad – basically iOS users.  I’m sure you have taken a screenshot with your phone/mobile device.  Now while you’re on Periscope, you can take a screenshot and then actually share the screenshot on Twitter right from the Periscope app!  It will also alert the scoper (person live streaming whom you are watching at the time) you have taken a screenshot by showing a small film icon which mixes in with the hearts on the right side.  Great expanded exposure!

Want to learn how to use Periscope for Your Business with a FREE 5 Step Guide to Getting Started PDF?   Fill out this Form Now!



Digital Daily – #14 – Periscope URLs!

periscope-logoThis is BREAKING NEWS and I had to jump on to tell you all about the newest feature Periscope brought out today.  Periscope just hit 15 million users, this is the fastest growing social media program EVER!!  It is an incredible platform to promote your business.


Now you have the ability to direct people straight to your Periscope Profile with custom Periscope URLs!



Here is how it looks:


How you can use the new Periscope URL for business:

  • In your signature on your emails.
  • On your website
  • On your social media profiles


Want to learn how to use Periscope for Your Business with a FREE 5 Step Guide to Getting Started PDF?  Fill out this Form Now!


Digital Daily – Tip #10 – Linkedin Headers

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office noteLinkedin is consistently growing and a must have for all career driven professionals.  As the site has grown, the ability to customize has also expanded.  If you haven’t noticed, go into your own profile and you will see a spot at the top to add a top header photo.  You may not think of Linkedin as a place to be “artistic” or colorful even.  This is your time to set your profile apart from the many others on the site.

Linkedin gives you some possible headers to choose from or to upload your own.  When you’re designing the header banner, make sure it is a jpeg, png, or gif that is less than 4 MB in size.  The dimensions are 1400 X 425.  One important part is the top part of your profile with your profile image is sitting over this header.  When you’re designing the header, leave space in the middle-bottom part as it will be covered by the profile.

This is the time for you to have a strong personal brand.  This represents you.  It can give you the exposure to help make a great first impression.