[4 Email Marketing Tips] Don’t Land in the Email Promos Tab on Gmail!

[4 Email Marketing Tips] Don’t Land in the Email Promos Tab on Gmail!

Are you noticing lower open rates on your email blasts?
Changes to some of the major email service providers have caused many emails which used to land in the primary inbox, to landing in the spam and or promo tabs.  Gmail is one that is notorious for this.  Google decided to create three main tabs in the Gmail inbox instead of everything landing in either the main inbox or spam.  Spam still exists in gmail, for the record.

Your email marketing blasts land in the promo tab or in spam.  Did you know there are ways to help your email marketing regain the open rates it used to see (or close to that) with Gmail recipients?  Read the tips below and start implementing them.  We have done this with clients and they are happily enjoying the positive results.

1.  Keep it Simple.

Are your email newsletters full of images?  You’ll want to be careful.

First, most emails are opened on mobile devices today.  This means the screen is much smaller and people are looking for information in bite size pieces.

The solution?  Include 1 image, yes only 1, so choose wisely as to what you include.  Emails that had less imagery were often not marked as “spam” or “promotional.”

Bonus:  Include an alt tag behind your image so in the case an email recipient’s image doesn’t show, the alt tag (text describing the image) will display instead of a blank with an x.


2.  Reduce HTML.

Many emails are heavy laden with HTML code.  This is another spam alert to most email service providers.

The solution? Start reducing the amount of HTML you use and leave it as plain text instead.


3.  Stick with Text.

This follows along with step #2 which is to reduce HTML.  Less text and more images/html will be spam tab/promo tab prone.

The solution? If emails seem to be more in a “letter format” which involves a large percentage of plain text they will skip the spam filter and hopefully end up in the primary tab.


4.  Watch your subject line!

There are a number of known triggers to the spam filters. Many of these are detected in a subject line.  Here are some words to avoid:

  • Buy
  • As Seen On
  • % Off
  • Sale
  • Order
  • Clearance
  • Act Now
  • Affordable
  • Click Here
  • Congratulations
  • Deal
  • Discount

Bonus:  Try the subject line tester and it will let you know if your email subject line is spam prone.