Why You Need a Blog Today

Why You Need a Blog Today

Blogs can have true power, whether you build a blog as a business or as a way to express yourself, they can definitely leave a footprint on the internet.

In case you were interested in the business side of blogs, let’s take a look at some of the highly successful blog businesses.

  • Did you know the Huffington Post started as a blog in 2005? Today it makes $2,500,000 per month.
  • Tech Crunch is a blog all about technology founded in 2005 and makes $800,000 per month.
  • Mashable – Another pop culture / technology blog founded in 2005, and today makes $600,000 per month
  • Smashing Magazine is a magazine or blog for web designers and developers. Started in 2006, the site now takes in $190,000 per month.

The founders of all of these blogs had a love for certain topics. They started writing about it and found many others also had an interest in these topics.

Convinced? Start Setting Up Your Blog Now – It’s Quick (7 minutes!) and Easy.

Get the webhosting in this video and follow along step by step!

Not Convinced? Keep reading..

How to Make a Blog Work for You?
Stay Consistent with Your Blog Content

Choose a posting schedule, whether it’s everyday, a few times a week, or once per week, pick what works for you and stick with it.

Where to Get the Content for Your Blog?
Watch the news – there are headlines everyday, probably every hour online. Use the stories and put them into your blog content, relate it to your topic. Put your own spin on it.

Go on social media! People put out their thoughts on a lot of current events and stories. Know where to look and then use that content in your blog.

These are just a few reasons why you need to have a blog today. Want to get started? We have a FREE video for you to learn exactly STEP BY STEP how to setup a blog.

These were the steps we used to create many blogs and we are releasing it for a limited time for free to our readers here.

Watch it and follow the steps now before the video is taken off the site. Take a look, we cut out the frills and give you exactly what you need to setup a blog today!