Voice search is everywhere. You probably even used it the last time you needed directions, store hours, or even just wanted to know the weather. We are using the internet differently in 2019 than we have used it in years prior. So what does this mean for SEO?
SEO – The three letters that brings joy to every internet marketers face. SEO – Search Engine Optimization. While it is still quite technical, it might become somewhat more human with the introduction of voice search.
As humans, we don’t speak robotically. If we ask a question of Siri or “Ok Google” we most likely speak in conversational tones. This is the way SEO experts like our team are now thinking.
If you notice, more search queries (tech-y language for search content) contain questions, full sentences, most likely formed in a question.
“What is the best mattress to buy?”
“Where is a pediatric dentist near me?”
“List the hair salons near me.”
Ok, so that last one wasn’t a question but you catch our drift. People are using real sentences, so that moves towards content being filled with these same sentences.
Searchers want answers, and they want to know you are answering their specific question, not something like it, but that question.
So begin putting this into play. Use titles in your articles with the exact questions you find with your related keywords through Google search.
Make sure the questions are bold and at the top with a good concise answer below it. Try to keep on topic and expand as much as possible on that question with other related questions in the same article. This will give you more favor with Google.
If you need help having your site rank for voice search, contact us.