Track Foot Traffic in AdWords Now

Track Foot Traffic in AdWords Now

The Foot Traffic Conversion in AdWords

The new AdWords experience lets you see how viewable impressions drive foot traffic.

Foot traffic is very important to anyone with a brick and mortar store or business. Until recently, it wasn’t exactly easy to match up your digital marketing efforts with foot traffic. You could never be too certain if the digital efforts brought people in or if there was some other variable at play.

Now Google AdWords has a way you can measure the ad’s effects on foot traffic into your business, right through your door.

Store Visit Conversions

You will be able to see if your store’s physical location visits are influenced by an ad click or viewable impression. This would be otherwise known as a store visit conversion. That store visit data can show in reports.

How to See Store Visit Conversions in AdWords

In order to see these types of conversions in your reporting you can do that from the AdWords platform.

Go into the level of the campaign you want. It is available in campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. They you can setup a segmentation. Choose the conversion source under “conversions” in the segment dropdown. Store visits will show as this view will indicate where your customers completed the conversions you’re tracking.

You can also create a report for your store visits. Go into the reports and add the table by clicking the plus button. You can create your table columns which should include all conversions, all conversion rate, view-through conversions, cost/all conversions. The rows in the table should be, conversion source, network, and device. Then save and you will have your report.