3 Online Marketing Tips Every Chiropractor Must Know!

3 Online Marketing Tips Every Chiropractor Must Know!

Chiropractor Online Marketing Tips

Chiropractor online marketing tips

Did you know there are an average of 3 million searches per month for chiropractors on search engines?  People are looking for your services and if you are not online in the right way, you are missing out on helping the many seeking your expertise.

We understand you have a lot to think about with your chiropractic practice and taking care of your patients.  You have undoubtedly heard about the fact that people are searching online for services just like yours.  If you are not coming up in the searches, your competitors are being found instead.  That’s not fair!  There are some ways you can help level that playing field.  After all, you’ve worked very hard to reach the level you’re at and people need you.  We’re going to give you some important tips to help you with your online marketing.

  • Take appointments online – Many times people are searching for you when they have a quiet moment.  This is usually at a later time of the day.  Think of how great it would be to capture those searchers giving them the opportunity to setup an appointment all from your website.
  • Choose the right social media – You’ve heard that social media is the place to be.  A lot of times business owners make the mistake of trying to create a profile on all of them.  The better tip is to choose the right combination of social media profiles that can truly help your business.  As a chiropractor, the best option would be Facebook as it has the most members with over 750 million.
  • Go Local – As a local business you will want people in your particular zip code radius to find your practice when they search.  Luckily, Google has their own local listing  called Google Places.  It’s free to open, grab yours now!
  • Do you want to reach all the thousands of locals looking for a chiropractor?  You should read our FREE step by step guide to creating an effective Google local listing that will bring people knocking on your door.  All you need to do is email us at design@feelingthevibe.com