Daily Digital #28: Marketing on Pinterest and Google+

Daily Digital #28: Marketing on Pinterest and Google+


There are some very important social media networks that you need your business to be on but you may be missing.

What are these super important networks?

Let’s not waste another minute they are Google+ and Pinterest.

That’s right Google+ .
Let me tell you Google pretty much owns the Internet and if you want favor on the biggest search engine on the entire Internet, you need to have a Google+ page for your business.

Google will actually give you a little bit more favor in search listing results if you have a Google+ page definitely start it, it’s free.

Next up, Pinterest.
This is especially important for anyone in the design or fashion beauty industries or any artistic industry for that matter

Females love this social site and they are always looking for new ideas. Us included.

It’s definitely one to check out.


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Contact Us if you need help marketing your business online! 


Snapchat Spectacles: Newest Popular Must-Have Gadget

Snapchat Spectacles: Newest Popular Must-Have Gadget

Snapchat Spectacles in black - review


While at an event for one of our clients, we met a PR team trying Snapchat Spectacles for the first time.  They come in a case and look different from typical fashion sunglasses.  You can almost tell there is a technological feel to the glasses.  They have holes to the side of each lens where the cameras are which create a “fishbowl” like image.

The sunglasses sync with your Snapchat allowing you to truly take the memory you “see” and store it.  You can take up to 10 second videos via your specs. The good news, by taking photos and videos with your Snapchat Spectacles, you won’t automatically post images nor videos to your snapchat, they will go to a holding folder (the Memories section).  Then you can choose which photos/videos you want to keep.  Once in the memories folder, you can edit photos just as you usually would adding stickers, filters, doodles and more before snapping them.



Some Important Details:

Snapchat Spectacles come in a variety of colors including:Snapchat Spectacles case and charger





Purchase of the Snapchat Spectacles come with a storage case that holds up to four charges, so you’re ready on the go.

Price: $129.99

Amazon shows 51 reviews with an average of 4.4 out of 5 stars.

Podcast #4 – Facebook Marketing – Use This New Feature and Stand Out

Podcast #4 – Facebook Marketing – Use This New Feature and Stand Out

                                                                                        See the transcript of the podcast below:

Facebook – still the #1 top leading social media site recently made an announcement that will truly revolutionize Facebook pages. If you are a business and have a Facebook page – you will know how important the top header photo is. It’s what people first see when landing on your page. Up until now businesses and entrepreneurial individuals, along with entertainers have been very limited on what they could display in that very important spot. Not anymore!!

Find out what the big change is and how you can benefit from it in the Feeling the Vibe Media Podcast #4! Continue reading

Podcast #3 – Pinterest Marketing – How to Sell on Pinterest 2017

Podcast #3 – Pinterest Marketing – How to Sell on Pinterest 2017

                                                                                        See the transcript of the podcast below:

How to Sell on Pinterest in 2018

Pinterest has quietly been gaining a lot of ground in the social media selling world but they haven’t been shouting it from the rooftops. Pinterest – another photo-centric social media channel, known for attracting a high percentage of females (males too of course), interested in sharing fashion, food, interior decorating, and other lifestyle photos to learn from and be inspired by. How does this spell social selling and how can you get in on it?

You’ll find it all out in today’s Feeling the Vibe Media Podcast #3! Let’s go! Continue reading

Digital Daily – Tip #8 – Facebook Pages

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office noteSocial media is certainly where the people are.  If you want to put your business in front of those people, Facebook is a great place to start.  It’s very important though to have a plan for Facebook.  A lot of people will just put up a page and think that’s all they need to do.  Social media happens to be quite similar to a very needy child.  It needs a lot of love and attention just about everyday.

One big point I would make is something a lot of people miss or think they should hurry past it.  Don’t make this mistake!

If you’re building a Facebook page for your business, this is often one of the first places people will start exploring about your business.  Believe it or not, your visitors want to know about your business.  So they will go to that “About” section.  For many, the “about section” will show on the main Facebook page.  If it’s not populated, it tends to take away from the presence of your business.  It looks like you didn’t take the time to fill in those details, if you won’t take the time for your business, who will?

So here’s what you do, fill out as many of the fields as you possibly can when you first open your page.  Know that it will take time to do so, but you know what is needed.

*Bonus Tip* Try to update your “about” section as much as you can when and if needed.  It will be noticed!

Does Social Media Work?

In a word, yes, social media networking does work for your business.  However, there is a catch.  Perhas you have a business and you started a facebook fanpage or a twitter, you have everything up there and even have “fans” or “followers.”  Yet, you’re not seeing results from it.  There is a catch with social media.  If you do not actually connect with the people on social media, talk to them, and they respond back, your chance for spreading the word “virally” as they do so well on facebook or Twitter will be very small.  The power of the “viral” message (and no, not a virus) is incredible and can suddenly expand your business multiplying results.  The key?  Actually connecting with the people who are your “fans.”  It is such a gold mine. 

How to do it?  Contact us for a free consultation at (914) 315-9651 or email design@feelingthevibe.com