I’m the type who must read a book in detail, word for word. I’m not a skimmer nor a chapter skipper. When I read a book, I want to take it all in and see what it’s about to understand the message the author is sending out plus the sub-messages and the sub-sub messages.
A Glimpse Behind the Curtain
There have been books that I start reading and can’t wait to pick back up. There are others that I am counting the pages to the end of the chapter so I can put it down for a while.
There are even still other books that I begin reading and do the very uncharacteristic chapter skip. When this starts happening, you know the book is about to be closed.
Lately, the books I’ve come across have been problematic in terms of holding my attention. From the start, I can tell the tone of the author just doesn’t jive with my mindset. You may think, that could be a good thing to present an opposite point of view. However that’s not what I particularly mean. It often seems to hurt my mindset which up until that point, was feeling positive.
Do I Follow Gary Vaynerchuk?
Fast forward to today, I’m an avid consumer of the GaryVee experience. I follow him on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc. I’ve watched the Daily Vee, not religiously but I do catch episodes that resonate with current situations as they become available.
I heard about his newest book which would be dropping in January 2018. Crushing It! You must understand, Gary started this set off with Crush It! a book written 9 years ago speaking about the power of a number of social media platforms.
This book, Crushing It! is apropros as it now documents the 9 years which have gone by, the good and the bad and the impact Crush It’s message had on many different individuals. The title is actually a description of the stories of these individual success stories inside.
Are all the success stories about people making millions on social media? No.
Are all the success stories about people who struggled, found Crush It and suddenly saw the proverbial lightbulb? Maybe. Continue reading