Digital News Alert: Facebook Gaming Creator Pilot Program

Digital News Alert: Facebook Gaming Creator Pilot Program

With the incredible growth of the gaming industry and the huge propensity of teens, twenty-somethings, and millennials to watch live video game events, more are figuring out they want a piece of the pie.

There is a site called which is all about live streaming video games. There are audiences watching these games on Twitch which is a social media platform.

Facebook Creator Pilot Program

While Twitch has been growing over the past 5 or 6 years, few others have really jumped on the bandwagon. YouTube took part, but other major social media platforms did not take it very seriously.

That is changing now.

Facebook who is seeing a lift in their newest video sector, is going to bring forth the Gaming Creator Pilot Program in a deal with ESL.

The Gaming Creator Program will:
improve discoverability
incorporate presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Oculus
Offer tools that streamers need to make a living streaming games on Facebook

Facebook wants to enable direct payment to streamers.

The gamers on Facebook’s platforms will be able to lifestream via 1080p/60fps and will work alongside the Facebook streaming team.

The debut of the program on Facebook didn’t go quite smoothly as there were technical issues. However, the reach Facebook can offer is much more than Twitch can do.

It will help ESL by bringing greater exposure to eSports.

What this Means for Businesses:

If you are targeting gamers and those in this age range, you will have a bigger audience to market to and connect with via the powerhouse of Facebook.

Now you will have more opportunities outside of advertising on Twitch or YouTube.  Facebook, Instagram, and Oculus will be part of the group.

Livestreaming is soaring right now and in the gaming arena it is a global adaptation. The combination of the power of live streaming with the tremendous community of gamers on Facebook, you can expect fireworks.

TBH App – Breakout App – Facebook Purchase Alert!  Giant Buys TBH App

TBH App – Breakout App – Facebook Purchase Alert! Giant Buys TBH App

What is the TBH Time App? The TBH App is an app specifically for teens (grades 9-12).  (TBH stands for To Be Honest)  It allows users to stay anonymous to help reduce the amount of bullying.  It is a poll app meant to give off positive vibes allowing you to boost each other while staying completely positive.  When students sign up, they connect with their school and give honest compliments to fellow students.  If a guy gives a compliment, the person who receives it has a blue gem added.  If a female gives a compliment, the person who receives it has a pink gem added.   Continue reading

Podcast #4 – Facebook Marketing – Use This New Feature and Stand Out

Podcast #4 – Facebook Marketing – Use This New Feature and Stand Out

                                                                                        See the transcript of the podcast below:

Facebook – still the #1 top leading social media site recently made an announcement that will truly revolutionize Facebook pages. If you are a business and have a Facebook page – you will know how important the top header photo is. It’s what people first see when landing on your page. Up until now businesses and entrepreneurial individuals, along with entertainers have been very limited on what they could display in that very important spot. Not anymore!!

Find out what the big change is and how you can benefit from it in the Feeling the Vibe Media Podcast #4! Continue reading

Digital Daily Tip # 7 – Facebook Video

Helpful tips and advice on a yellow office noteAs you have probably heard, video is quickly becoming a large part of digital marketing and the overall online experience.  Facebook also gives us the ability to display our videos.  However, if you want real results with those videos you really need to adhere to a few easy rules.

1.  Don’t use Youtube links – As much as you think it will help increase your Youtube video views, it just doesn’t translate well on Facebook for some reason, and most times people will just skip by watching the youtube video on Facebook.

2.  Originality – Do upload your original video file to Facebook

3.  Keep it Short! – Facebook like much social media is seeing a major trend in greater popularity in bite size information.  Cut your videos down to 1 – 2 minutes max for Facebook.

Bonus Tip:  Think it’s too hard to condense your content down to 1 – 2 minutes, why don’t you create a “teaser video” that you can use to demonstrate 1 – 2 of your main thoughts and then tell people if they would like more they can see the full video out a particular link.  Or they could see the video by signing up for great free content.


Fans, Facebook, Pages, What??!

So you’ve heard you need to be on social media, perhaps even had some marketing professionals suggest it for your business, but you’re not quite sure where to start or why you need it.  Well for why, see our “Top 5 Reasons to Have Facebook” article.  Let’s break down all these terms on Facebook:

First off, facebook is a “social networking” website.  It’s a place where people go to connect with old friends, new friends, and relatives.  A lot of the time it allows for people to instantly connect and keep up with each other. 

So where does a business have a spot in this world?  It has a very big spot!  Business owners are realizing the power they can have just by creating a Facebook fan page.  You have a great ability now to connect with potential customers than every before. 

What is a fan?

A “fan” on facebook is a person who “likes” your business, this could be a current customer, someone who is interested in your products or services, or someone who was referred over by one of your customers.  (It’s easy for someone to become a fan, they just have to click “like” on your facebook page!)

I have a profile, is a business page the same?

It’s a little different.  You can’t send “friend requests” as you might do with your own profile.  (this is where the most challenging aspect of having a Facebook page for a business may be).  Challenge, yes, but not impossible, not at all.  Also, you can’t post on your “fans’ ” profiles, they can post on yours though, and you can respond to them on your page. 

This is a good start.  Interested in finding a way to get a piece of the 500,000,000 people pie that’s called Facebook for your business?  No worries, we can help you even more because Feeling the Vibe Design will be hosting some very special classes and we promise you will have a facebook profile at the end of the class for your business.