How to Get a Job as a Digital Marketing Manager

How to Get a Job as a Digital Marketing Manager

Marketing jobs in the past decade have swiftly turned to digital marketing jobs.  If you’re searching for jobs, you will notice the traditional marketing job listings dwindling down.

Times have changed.  That doesn’t mean you’re obsolete just because you know traditional marketing and not digital marketing!

Many of the concepts you know and worked with in the traditional type still work with digital.  The platforms have changed, the strategies have changed, but the concepts haven’t.

Maybe you haven’t even been in marketing, but are now considering a new path.  Your career isn’t fulfilling you or, let’s be real, the money just isn’t enough.  So now, you’ve decided to look at other options.

Did you know there are even digital marketing jobs which allow you to work full time or part time completely from home?  Yep, working on the beach is actually a real thing in this world.  Watch for another article on this very topic.

A quick list on me:


Why should I be giving this advice?

A Short Resume:

  • Digital Marketing Manager at  the #1 Consumer Electronics Gaming Company
  • AdWords Certified
  • Analytics Certified
  • Bing Ads Certified
  • Paid Search specialist for real estate, security, beauty, health, SAAS, etc industries

I’ve been on the company side and the agency side.

I’ve been through the interviews from small startups all the way to major Fortune 500 companies and more in between.

I’m sharing over ten years of experience in this industry (practically the entire amount of time this type of job role has been around!)

So let’s jump into it.

One of the BIGGEST questions I receive: “Which skills does X company look for in a Digital Marketing Expert?”

This can be pretty broad.  However, I am cutting it down and organizing this into an easy to understand list.

To Get a Digital Marketing Job You will want to know:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – the techniques you need to make the search engines work for you.

Email Marketing – This is very important, become familiar with the platforms like MailChimp or iContact. An email list is extremely important to a business.  Knowing how to grow the list and consistently nurture it is a very valuable skill.

Social Media Marketing – (Think Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc) Beyond what it means to have a Facebook profile or an Instagram page, but knowing how to build a community of hardcore fans for your company’s brand.

Paid Search – Google Ads.  Find out how you can skip the wait time to get a business listing to the coveted top spot in a Google search.

Ecommerce – Selling online.  It’s the future, and if you know how to work an Ecommerce shop, companies need you.

Content Marketing – Blogging for business.

Those are the top skills you will want to know.  Don’t want to learn all of them?  That’s ok, you can find jobs (in office and remote) for each one of these in the list!  The key will be to have the right skills that companies find valuable.

The right skills, learned the RIGHT way will increase your confidence that you will go into interviews with ease.  You will breeze right by all of their questions, and the interviewer will be impressed with you.

If you are serious about finding a Digital Marketing career.  Get on my list to continue receiving more information.

Sign Up to Get Started On Your Digital Marketing Career

By being a part of the list you will have inside information on:

  • What I learned you need to know as a Digital Marketer after over 10 years of experience
  • Access to my mini courses on Digital Marketing before they are announced
  • Digital marketing news and trends to keep on top of the trends
  • Interview tips specifically written for Digital Marketing jobs
  • How to ace Digital Marketing interviews
  • How to Rock Your Digital Marketing position
  • Job listings
  • Opportunities for remote work as a Digital Marketer

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Digital Daily Marketing – Tip #22 – Periscope 2.0!

Periscope is still going strong and growing!  They just recently made some announcements and improvements slated to appear soon.  The Periscope early adapters like @KimGarst and @1AlexKhan are all over this news, immediately scoping about it.  So wait no longer, here is what Periscope 2.0 will offer:



1.  Rewind and Fast Forward 


If you watch Periscope replays, you will notice there is no way to skip ahead or replay a certain part without having to start all the way back at the beginning.  Most often on Periscope replays, you will spend a lot of time watching the broadcaster welcome everyone in.  As a replay viewer, you can’t interact and aren’t quite interested to wait through the “hellos.”  So now, you will be able to fast forward right through them!


2.  Teleport


Click a button and find a random scope, like “couch mode” on


3.  Sticky Replays


The replays will stick around on your profile for 24 hours and will be shown on the map. You can search for a particular type of scope or a particular type of content which will then be found pinned to the map.


Bonus note:  If you include “#Halloween” in your scope title, you will then see bats fly across the screen during a Periscope broadcast.