Amazon just came out with their answer to Microsoft’s Skype. We took a look at the app and have come up with what we see are the three benefits of using Amazon Web Service’s Chime. Read this earlier post Introducing Amazon Chime.
1. One App Download one app. No need to deploy any other files, no downloads, nothing that will slow down your computer or device. The app is hosted through the cloud which gives it speed and a seamless connection.
2. Screen Sharing If you’ve been part of a conference call we’re pretty sure you’ve probably had to share your screen. However, if you’re not on a computer/laptop then you can’t typically share your screen. With Amazon Chime you can share your screen from any device, laptop, desktop, tablet, smartphone.
3. Be Mobile We are all mobile, just about all the time, but we are very connected at almost all time. With Amazon Chime take your meetings in the car, on the road through the easy to use app that works with Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows. The chats are synchronized. You can also switch between devices easily during the same meeting!
Want to try a free trial of Amazon Chime? Get your 30-Day Free Trial of Amazon Chime now.