Google AdWords Big Announcement with Machine Learning Roundup

Google AdWords Big Announcement with Machine Learning Roundup

Machine learning and AI are infiltrating the world of technology in a good way.  They are everywhere and only set to expand even further.

Google announced today, machine learning is now a strong part of Google AdWords which will be rolling out within the next few months.

What are the big changes Google AdWords will have in regards to Machine Learning?

Within the past year or so, AdWords offered a new option for display campaigns.  Instead of needing to create multiple banners in all different sizes, they created responsive ads which request a few photos of one size plus text.  Through machine learning, Google will choose to display the ads which perform best.  In addition, these ads can be responsive which will fit them to all different screen sizes and web space without needing the advertiser to create multiple different size banners.

Search Ads will now use Machine Learning

In the current form, AdWords requires advertisers to create full text ads of all different varieties.  With machine learning, you will need to add in lines for headlines and descriptions of ads.  Google will take that information and randomly combine messaging.  Through machine learning, Google will let you know which combination of headlines and descriptions work best for the goals you set.

YouTube Ads will use Machine Learning

The most recent data from Google states people watch over 1 billion hours of YouTube videos everyday.  People are looking to YouTube for inspiration before making purchases big and small.  It was found that 1 in 2 people planning to purchase a car went to YouTube for research before buying a car.

Machine learning will now bring in “maximize lift.”  Instead of maximizing for impressions and views, maximize lift will help put videos in front of the best target market for your brand.  Smart bidding is yet another feature which will automatic raise and lower bids depending on the audience availability.

Local Campaigns with Machine Learning

Google AdWords Local Campaigns 2018

Many potential customers will start their research and buying journey on Google, but 80% will complete their purchase in store for the convenience factor.  In fact, the “near me” search on mobile has increased by 3X in the past two years according to Google.

AdWords will be rolling out a new local campaign.  This new campaign type is meant to solely drive store visits and foot traffic.

Google Shopping Campaigns with Machine Learning

Finally, Google Shopping campaigns will be introduced to machine learning.  Smart shopping campaigns will allow you to hit revenue goals without needing to manually adjust bids and information.  There will be new goals introduced such as store visits and new customers.  In addition to the new goals, the smart campaigns will also help choose where the shopping ads appear, Google, image search, YouTube, or the millions of sites on the network depending on, you guessed it, machine learning.

The above features will be rolling out within the next few months for Google AdWords.  If you want to start benefiting from Google AdWords, contact one of our team members for a complimentary consultation.

Daily Digital Marketing – Tip #21 – 3 Little Known Ways to Affect Adwords Quality Score

3 Ways You can Increase Your Adwords Quality Score Right Here

If you are running paid search ads for your business, you have undoubtedly come across something called a “quality score.”  If you haven’t, go into your account and check it out.  Quality score is very very important to Google and should be important to you too.  After all, if you create the ads in the right way, the quality score for your ads will be higher, which will allow you to pay less for clicks (cpc) than your competitors with lower quality scores.  So how is that done?


There are a few ways to affect quality score that relate to your website.  If you need help with build ads which will be given great quality scores, contact us and we’ll get you started.  That isn’t what this post is about.  In this case, let’s get into the 3 Ways Adwords Quality Score can be changed.

1.  Privacy Policy – You may not realize it, but Google puts a lot of clout into how your website is setup, especially for the links your ads go to.  The Privacy Policy is an important part of any website which may in any way shape or form, collect visitor information.  If you have an e-commerce website you most definitely need a privacy policy.  You can get a free privacy policy here and tweak it a bit for your website if you don’t have one already.  Final point, if your website doesn’t have a privacy policy, Google flags it and it will show in your lowered quality score.  An EASY FIX!


2.  Contact Page – If you have a website, you need a contact page.  Make sure it shows a phone number as well so Google doesn’t flag you in any way, and your quality score will be happy.


3.  Keywords in the URL – This one isn’t on your website, but is one that many may miss.  You need to make sure the keyword you are building your ads around, that main keyword, is in the URL.  You will see great changes in your quality score.


There you have it!  3 Easy Ways to Have a Increase Your Adwords Quality Score.