Google AdWords Express: Don’t Miss Another Call

Google AdWords Express: Don’t Miss Another Call

It has been found that when someone searches for a local business via smartphone, they are looking to visit rather quickly.  They want to find a pizza shop, a bank, a salon, etc near them.  They are in the market to call those companies.

AdWords Express is a portion of AdWords which allows local businesses to gain top billing in these “out and about” searches by grabbing Google’s ad space at the top for local results.  

AdWords Express also allows ads which present a click to call so smartphone users who see the ad can quickly call the business with one click.

Unfortunately while calls may come in, it has been found that advertisers (the businesses) miss 1 out of every 5 calls they receive from ads.

Google has come up with a solution for this problem.  If the advertiser downloads the AdWords Express app, they will have the ability to call back potential customers whose calls they missed through push notifications.

In addition, the Google AdWords Express App will allow advertisers to give feedback on calls they receive from Express ads.  A message will pop up asking their opinion of the quality of the call.  This way AdWords will know how well their targeting is working or if they need to make changes.

All part of the machine learning once again.

If you are interested in using Google AdWords to further increase your business, let us know. We are Google AdWords certified and Google Partners. Let us be your Google AdWords manager.

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