Social media is certainly where the people are. If you want to put your business in front of those people, Facebook is a great place to start. It’s very important though to have a plan for Facebook. A lot of people will just put up a page and think that’s all they need to do. Social media happens to be quite similar to a very needy child. It needs a lot of love and attention just about everyday.
One big point I would make is something a lot of people miss or think they should hurry past it. Don’t make this mistake!
If you’re building a Facebook page for your business, this is often one of the first places people will start exploring about your business. Believe it or not, your visitors want to know about your business. So they will go to that “About” section. For many, the “about section” will show on the main Facebook page. If it’s not populated, it tends to take away from the presence of your business. It looks like you didn’t take the time to fill in those details, if you won’t take the time for your business, who will?
So here’s what you do, fill out as many of the fields as you possibly can when you first open your page. Know that it will take time to do so, but you know what is needed.
*Bonus Tip* Try to update your “about” section as much as you can when and if needed. It will be noticed!