Digital Daily – Tip #11 – Facebook Graphics for Non-Designers

As you know, graphics and visuals are so very important online everywhere.  If you look at a site with great vibrant graphics vs a site with just text and few low level graphics, you will gravitate toward the site with the great graphics.  So, then the question arises, how do I design?  I’m not a designer!  I can’t create these great looking visuals.  Don’t worry anymore.  There is a site that will help you, even if you are a non-designer.  They are an awesome spot to also build out Facebook page headers.  If you are on Facebook, you need a visual to set you apart from everyone else and that right header will give the right first impression.

The1re is a site out there now which takes a lot of the hard design work out of the equation.  You need to try it, the site is  If you need a tutorial on how to use, let us know and we’ll put one together for you.

(The image to the left was created on!)


Tip:  While you will find some images are $1, there are images which are free.  Be sure to watch out for them in the search.


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