You’ve probably seen a banner ad multiple times per day whenever you happen to be on the internet. Whether you are on a desktop or a mobile device, a banner ad probably popped up.
The banner ads are targeted towards you in some capacity whether it is based off your interests or even purchase behavior.
In the study by IAB, nine brands were tested across desktop and mobile sites. The purchasing behavior comparison was made between those who saw the ads vs those who didn’t.
The results are in!
For every $1 spent on online display ads, $1.94 in sales was received for all supermarkets. One brand even saw a 3X return at $3.38 per $1.
While the main point of banner ads is to click through to a website, they are known as a branding play as well. Banner ads reach a wide number of individuals and by seeing the brand as you surf the internet, it helps you begin to recognize or remember a brand.
The study said the biggest takeaway was the largest majority of sales attributable to banner ads were from offline and in-store shopping.
Bottom line, if you have a brick and mortar business or you have a new brand, or you want more people to know about your branding to give you a leg up on the competition, think about running online banner advertising.
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