Tweeting, posting, updating statuses. There is so much to do when it comes to promoting your business online. How about some rules and information to help you know when is the best time of day and week for clicks, retweets, favorites, and overall engagements.
Recently, examined over 4 million tweets to see which had the best engagement when. So let’s take a look at the results:
- Best time for Clicks: Early morning hours between 2 am – 3 am.
- Time with the Fewest Clicks: 9 am – 1 pm local time
- Best time for favorites and retweets: Evenings and late at night (9 pm local time is the best hour on average)
Let’s get more specific:
- Most Popular Time of the Day to tweet: Between noon – 1 pm local time
- Fewest tweets posted: Between 3 am and 4 am local time
Looking at the statistic above for the “most popular time of the day to tweet,” please keep in mind, this should actually be used carefully as your tweets may get lost in the shuffle with so much tweeting activity going on. Therefore, it would be better to tweet during non-peak times if you want to be seen.