We are going to take a break from our daily digital tips in remembrance and prayer for everyone who was affected by 9/11. God bless everyone!
“Hope in the LORD! Be strong! Let your heart take courage! Hope in the LORD!” (Psalm 27:14)

There are a lot of terms to know in the digital marketing field. Here are two of them, subdirectory and subdomain. What is the difference between “subdirectory” vs. “subdomain” ? When it comes to search engines, the difference is a big one.
A subdirectory is a folder within the main website files. It would look something like this in a website address:
A subdomain is an addition to a website but search engines see it as a completely new website even though the main company name URL is still in it. Here is an example of a subdomain:
If you want to know which one is better for SEO, take a look at our Digital Daily tip #1!
As a business owner you want as much exposure in the right spots online as possible. Local businesses are happy to see that the worldwide search engine is working harder to help them have some more exposure in the local market. That’s great, when done right. However, there is a new scam out there and we want you to be aware of it.
There are people out there claiming to be from “411” or some other type of directory service who will take your business and get it on the front page for any town of your choice on Google.com. For example, let’s say you have a salon in Stamford, Connecticut and you want it to be on the front page of Google’s search results for “Greenwich, Connecticut.” While this can be done, legitimately, it can also be done illegally.
These 411 scam artists will take your business, create a fake address in Greenwich, Connecticut and put you in the system. Now your business will come up with a Greenwich address. That’s not so bad, right?? WRONG. It is against Google’s specific Terms of Service to falsify an address. If you do this, Google will delete your company from their search results.
Not only do these scam artists hurt your business majorly by taking you off the #1 search engine people use, but they have also been known to collect your credit card number from you and continually charge your card even after you request they stop. BEWARE! This can really damage your business online.
If you have any questions, or are wondering if you might be dealing with something like this, contact us and we’ll try to steer you in the right direction.
In a word, yes, social media networking does work for your business. However, there is a catch. Perhas you have a business and you started a facebook fanpage or a twitter, you have everything up there and even have “fans” or “followers.” Yet, you’re not seeing results from it. There is a catch with social media. If you do not actually connect with the people on social media, talk to them, and they respond back, your chance for spreading the word “virally” as they do so well on facebook or Twitter will be very small. The power of the “viral” message (and no, not a virus) is incredible and can suddenly expand your business multiplying results. The key? Actually connecting with the people who are your “fans.” It is such a gold mine.
How to do it? Contact us for a free consultation at (914) 315-9651 or email design@feelingthevibe.com
If you use Google.com as your main search engine, you will notice that they have added a new component, the “instant search.” Here’s how you know what it is:
If you were to type in “puppy stores in New York” before you could even get to “stores” it would start searching automatically with what they “guess” to be your search terms.
I don’t know about you, but this is annoying and tends to cause my computer to get stuck as it searches.
So here’s the trick, go to the top right corner of google.com and you should see “settings” and “search settings.” Click that.
Scroll down to “Google Instant” and click “Don’t Use Google Instant.” Then click save at the bottom of the page. That’s it, then Google.com should work without the instant search!
..is one bite at a time.
As a business owner it is very typical to have overwhelming tasks. Sometimes you look at a project and just want to run and hide. We have a better method. Why not break down the big project into smaller tasks on a timeline, and then you can have everything done in a more structured manner.
Example: Task is to find business customers for your business service.
1. Figure out which businesses would do best with your service.
2. Look through local directories for businesses within a certain radius, make a list of 50.
3. Setup an email or flyer for those businesses about your service.
4. Send out your email or flyer to those 50 businesses.
Take it one step at a time. You’ll be glad you did.
Many of us, particularly those of us who are females love to multitask, it’s just what we know. However, if you want to accomplish tasks, you may want to rethink that idea. It turns out that if you can zone in on a list of priority tasks then take on one at a time, without any distractions, you will accomplish so much more. So it’s important to just single-task!
If you want more people to know about your twitter profile, be sure to spread the word everywhere. If you have other profiles such as facebook, announce it there. Also, put it in your email signature inviting people to follow you on twitter. You can even print it on your business card or mention it in forum posts. There can be many places to spread the word.
Ever wonder when the best time is to tweet on Twitter? Well you should actually tweet often, but funny enough the best time is during business hours in the United States from 9 pm – 5pm. Even though they’re at work, they tend to be on social media sites most. So if you want your audience expanded, try tweeting during those times.
Top 5 Reasons to Have a Facebook Fan Page
1. Local or National, you can find your specific target market on facebook.
2. You have a platform to directly communicate with potential and current customers.
3. Facebook is highly indexed on Google (this means your business will come up higher on search engines)
4. The power of going “viral” means that if you have customers “fans” (as they call it on Facebook) who like what you offer, they can easily let their friends know on Facebook.
5. You have access to 500,000,000 people!