While at an event for one of our clients, we met a PR team trying Snapchat Spectacles for the first time. They come in a case and look different from typical fashion sunglasses. You can almost tell there is a technological feel to the glasses. They have holes to the side of each lens where the cameras are which create a “fishbowl” like image.
The sunglasses sync with your Snapchat allowing you to truly take the memory you “see” and store it. You can take up to 10 second videos via your specs. The good news, by taking photos and videos with your Snapchat Spectacles, you won’t automatically post images nor videos to your snapchat, they will go to a holding folder (the Memories section). Then you can choose which photos/videos you want to keep. Once in the memories folder, you can edit photos just as you usually would adding stickers, filters, doodles and more before snapping them.
Some Important Details:
Snapchat Spectacles come in a variety of colors including:
Purchase of the Snapchat Spectacles come with a storage case that holds up to four charges, so you’re ready on the go.
Price: $129.99
Amazon shows 51 reviews with an average of 4.4 out of 5 stars.