Category: SEO
Digital Daily – Tip #6 – Google Analytics 101
If you have a website or ecommerce store, you absolutely need Google Analytics tracking on that website. Once you have that all setup, you will be able to go to www.google.com/analytics to be able to see the traffic to your site. Once you’re in there, you will notice there are many sections and you will be able to see your site’s traffic over specific time periods starting from the date you put the code on your website for Google Analytics.
It is really helpful to understand some key terms. You will find them under “Acquisition” on the left hand side. Look at the terms below to find out what they mean and what that information can do for you.
1. Referral – This is traffic from other websites which link in to yours. If you have a Facebook page or a Twitter profile, put your link on those pages. People who visit you on social media will be able to find your site nice and easily. When they do, those counts will appear in the “Referral” traffic section of GA.
2. Direct – This is traffic coming from visitors who actually know your website address or happen to see it in an ad somewhere. The difference here is, they don’t click a link, instead they open a new browser window and type in the website address. This traffic will tell you who either has your website memorized or bookmarked.
3. Search – This is a HUGE one! It will tell you which traffic is coming in to your website through the major search engines including Google, Yahoo, and Bing. This is very important because most people go to the search engines to find goods, services, and information. As long as you are optimizing your website properly, you will show up in the search results for the keywords which pertain to your business.
Not sure where to start with your website when it comes to being found on the search engines?
Let us know we can make a big difference for your business.

Digital Daily – Tip #5 – Web Traffic Tracking
If you are promoting certain pages on your website, most likely, that web address is linked to from multiple places. So how can you tell if the traffic to that page comes from your email marketing, your paid search ads, social media, or some other form of advertising?
I have an amazing FREE Happy Labor Day Tip for you all:
You need to use the Google URL Tracker.
Scroll down to the “URL Builder Form.”
You will need:
1. The website URL (use the specific landing page URL)
2. The campaign source (email marketing, Facebook, Twitter, newsletter ad, etc)
3. Campaign Medium (email, social media, banner)
4. Campaign Name (name of product, product code, promo code, slogan, etc)
Click “Generate URL” and you will have the URL to use for your digital marketing initiatives!
If you have questions, contact us: design@feelingthevibe.com

Daily Digital – Tip #2 – SEO
Did you know images are a very large part of Google’s search results? If you have a website, you know images are an important component of that site. People love visuals. Images can be really helpful in giving your website even more exposure on search engines. Whether you sell products, offer a service, write informative articles in a blog, etc, you can use this tip.
When you add an image to a site in a WordPress blog you will see a spot called “Alternative Text.” Google can’t read images, the Alt tag was created so Google bots could read the text behind the image to know what it is. Fill in the space next to the alternative text feed.
Don’t have an “Alternative Text” field when adding an image on your site? We have a way to workaround that. It’s a little tougher since it’s code but here you go:
Find this in the html code:
<img src=”URL OF IMAGE” alt=””>
There it is, the “alt” is your alternative text. Put in KEYWORDS which fit the image and also help your business.

Digital Daily – Tip #1 – SEO
SEO – AKA Search Engine Optimization
Definition – Techniques and strategies to use in optimizing your website for better search results on major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing for the keywords associated with your business.
Digital Daily Tip of the Day – If you choose to add a blog to your website or any other type of addition which you want to be associated with your main business, be sure to put it as a “subdirectory” instead of a “subdomain.” The search engines see subdomains as completely separate websites and you will lose all and any search equity built up by your brand for the new subdomain.
#DigitalDaily #DigitalTips #DigitalMarketing #SEO
Find out what the difference between a subdirectory and a subdomain is.

What is Keyword Stemming?
A lot of interest has surrounded the important keyword techniques. Keyword stemming is one which has come up often in SEO conversations.
What is Keyword Stemming?
It is actually simple. Keyword stemming is taking a keyword in its purest form and adding suffixes and/or prefixes to the word. This way you can account for all forms of a word someone may use to find your website.
Example: party, partier, parties, partied, pre-party, post-party, partying

Submit Your RSS Feed to These Websites for FREE!
If you have a blog, you should also automatically have an RSS feed to go along with it. You will usually find it by typing in your URL (example: www.yourwebsite.com/feed or www.yourwebsite.com/rss). These feeds are easy to read and quite often saved so people can be updated every time you add a new post to your blog. In addition to having the RSS feed icon on your website for people to add to their list, you should also submit your feed to special RSS search engines.
Here is a list of RSS Feed Blog Directories to submit to:
(credit: http://www.toprankblog.com/rss-blog-directories/)
Loaded Web

How To Respond to Bad Online Reviews About Your Business
In today’s day of online reviews, just about every business establishment has the chance to be reviewed online. Hopefully customers had a positive experience with your company and they will write about that in the reviews. However, there is the occasional customers or client who has a negative experience with a company and often takes to the “airwaves” in the form of writing a negative review for all other prospective clients to see. You may think this is awful and you don’t want anything to do with the internet. Honestly, the negative review isn’t the problem. They happen. We are all human and errors are made. The problem would actually be if you allow those negative reviews to stay unanswered. On review sites, just as customers/clients can write a review, a company can respond to those reviews. A company representative can simply go on the website, and respond reassuring the disgruntled customer that they want to make situation right. By having that response public, others will see how much good service, good products, etc, mean to your company. They will also know your company is listening to their customers and they will be more amenable to buying from you in the future. Leave the negative reviews piling up and it looks like you’re hiding from them.
Let us take care of your online reputation by scouring the internet to find any and all reviews written about your company. We will help manage your online reputation so potential customers and clients will have a positive picture of you from your online reviews.

Tell Search Engines About Your Website Quickly with “Pinging!”
Pinging a Blog by Feed
Quick tip: If you have a blog and you want your feed to be quickly crawled by search engine spiders upon adding a new post check out this site. www.pingomatic.com
No signing up and no fees. just go on the site, type in your website address, website title, and feed URL. Click “Select All.” Then click “send ping.” That’s it, you’re done!

Top 3 Components for On-Page SEO Success
You hear SEO wherever you go. Search engine optimization is important, the competition is growing everyday and everyone is fighting to stay on the top of the search engines for their categories. We work with a number of organizations to help them with both their on-page SEO as well as in code SEO. Here are our top 3 priorities for On-Page SEO.
1. Page Titles – Search Engine Spiders look at your titles. If all of your website pages start with your company name, this will hurt you. It is best to have your company name at the end of the title if it must be there. The crawlers see the first few words as most prominent in a title. Make the title specific to the page and make sure the keyword you want to be found for is in the title of that page (as long as the content on the page is about that keyword). Titles should be no more than 75 characters long.
2. Header Tags – These are more commonly known as “<h1> and <h2>” tags. These appear as the subheaders or subtitles on a page. If the main title of a page is “How to Ace Algebra,” the subheader or subtitle in the <h1> or <h2> tags might be “Step by Step Method to Solve a Quadratic Equation.” Again, use keywords in the subtitles, but don’t just simply repeat what is in the title. Search engines prefer each section is unique.
3. Alt Text – Now this may seem like it is in code, and it is, but it is also on the page. Have you ever visited a website and instead of seeing an image, a box shows up with an “x” in the corner. Most often in that empty box you will see some text describing the picture. If the designer did it correctly, the text will appear in that box, if not, nothing may appear. Search engine spiders crawl pictures too and are able to help you appear in the search listings for terms associated with the Alt Text of your images.
If you want to learn how to add good keyword rich Alt Text to your images take our Alt Text course online now.
Do you want an SEO sweep through of your website but just don’t have the time to do so? We know it’s a lot of work, so let us take care of this for you!