Gain Your First 50 Followers on Instagram

Gain Your First 50 Followers on Instagram

800 million active users on Instagram.  The people are there and they are actively using this great platform.

You’ve probably heard about the amazing power of Instagram.  You’ve heard about the fact that many people are increasing sales and finding leads via the photo heavy app, Instagram.

If you’re just getting started with Instagram or you want to keep building on to your following, this article will provide tips on tried and proven methods to gain 50 followers on Instagram.

Get 50 Instagram Followers in 2018

How To Gain Your First 50 Followers on Instagram

Tip #1: Plan out your description at the top.  When someone visits your profile, if they don’t see a summary saying who you are and what your profile will be about, they will be less likely to follow you.  Here’s what to include in your profile summary:

Utilize emojis!  Emojis break up sometimes boring text, and on a platform that is highly visual, the emojis will make a difference.  Use emojis that represent who you are.  If you are a guitarist, add a guitar emoji, or music note emojis.  If you are a photographer, use a camera.

You can find many Facebook emojis to use for your Instagram profile summary.


Tip #2: Think your posts through.  Plan out your posts for the week.  Think of which topic you may want to focus on for the week and then plan out what you will post throughout the week.  Get used to this practice as it will help you to stay consistent.

Example: If you are promoting your dog grooming business, plan out your week by deciding on the following:

Day 1: Post a dog care tip

Day 2: Post a funny dog photo

Day 3: Post a photo with a testimonial quote

Day 4: Post a dog care tip

Day 5: Post a video of a dog being groomed at your business

Day 6: Post a photo of your facility

Post 7: Record a video inviting customers to come to your business


Tip #3: Use hashtags on your photo captions. There are special hashtags which have been proven to receive more likes than others.  You are only able to add up to 30 hashtags in a caption per Instagram post.

Be certain to look up a hashtag in Instagram search and you will see all the related hashtags which are seeing activity.  Use these hashtags on your posts.  Make sure you use hashtags which relate to the photo you post.

Tip #4: Follow a hashtag!  You can now follow a hashtag on Instagram.  This way you will see all the people posting under a certain hashtag.  Now is the time to start taking part in conversations to increase your exposure.  Comment on photos associated with the hashtag so people within your industry will see your name repeatedly.  If you take part in conversations with people, they will be more likely to follow you.


These tips are the ones that worked to add on 50 new followers, 50 new real followers on Instagram.

Get Your Gain 50 Instagram Followers Checklist


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Gain 50 Followers on Instagram Checklist in 2018

The Top 99 Instagram Hashtags for Business in 2018

The Top 99 Instagram Hashtags for Business in 2018

Instagram is ever growing and is currently sitting at 800 million monthly active users.

That is A LOT of people!

In business, you need to go to where the people are.

How do you post photos on Instagram that will be easily discovered by others?

The answer is Instagram Hashtags!

A Rule, Instagram only allows 30 hashtags per photo caption.

There is a way around the 30 hashtag limit.  You can add a first comment to your own Instagram photo and add another 30 hashtags.  Don’t go beyond this though or Instagram will flag you for spamming.

If you want people to find your photo, take a look at this list of the top 100 hashtags for Likes on Instagram in 2018.

Don’t just post these hashtags on all your photos.  The hashtags must match the meaning of your photo of and what is in your photo.

If you decide to just jam the caption full of unrelated hashtags, people will quickly see you as a spammer, be let down by the fact your image doesn’t match what they were looking for, and stop paying attention to your Instagram profile.

The Top 32 Hashtags for Likes on Instagram in 2018 Infographic

Best Hashtags for Likes on Instagram in 2018


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The Top 99 Hashtags for Likes on Instagram in 2018

According to Oberlo, the top Instagram Hashtags for Likes are: (There were 100 but one was in Chinese writing so it was eliminated as we don’t know Chinese!)


Instagram has New Activity Status Feature – Here’s How to Turn It Off

Instagram has New Activity Status Feature – Here’s How to Turn It Off

Instagram has added a new feature, for the app, but not new to the world of social media.

Brinkwire reports Instagram will now let your friends and followers know when you were last checking the app.

It won’t show everyone, however, it will show to people you have direct messaged and those you tagged in your Instagram stories. You will in turn be able to see when those people were also last on the app.

It will look like this:

This new feature is automatically enabled for all Instagram users.

Luckily, you can turn it off if you would prefer that information not be seen.

Know that if you turn it off, you will not see when others were last on either.

You can turn this off by going into your settings options and finding the “Show Activity Status” button.

Digital Daily – Tip #16 – The Instagram Milestone Bombshell and How You Can Cash In

instagramInstagram is the social app your kids, their friends, and even adults just love.  That user base and community is growing at lightning speed, just recently hitting 400 million users.  400 million people in just 5 short years with 80 million pictures shared EACH DAY!  Here’s a little known fact though, 75% of the Instagram user base is from outside of the US.



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Daily Digital Marketing – Tip # 13 – Instagram Hashtags for Maximum Exposure

Popular Instagram hashtags

A study was just put out on the best hashtags in 2015 to include on your Instagram photos for the best exposure AND engagement.  If you’re on Instagram and think it could really help your business or you simply want more followers, more engagement and a better community you should take a look at this very special list.  It’s not easy to find but has some amazing information.

Here are some hashtags you should include and they’re hashtags which actually are pretty generic and can somehow be used with your photos as well:

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